Thursday, May 15, 2008

Things That Made Me Happy Today

Art supplies. After a somewhat stressful day, or when I just feel like treating myself, I don't eat ice cream, take a bubble bath, or read a romance novel. I buy art supplies. You want to make me happy? Buy me art supplies. I am SO painting tonight. Do you see that pack of recycled paper? IT'S THE TEXTURE OF PAPER BAGS, BUT THINNER. I realize I might be in the minority here, but it makes me fall in love.
Fazoli's has the best fountain drinks ever. Yes, I am fully aware that Coca-Cola is bad for you, but it tastes SO GOOD. The Coke from Fazoli's is really engine cleaner. Just the way I like it.

My journal makes me happy. I have a huge stack of them, and I started up again, since I stopped sometime last October. I'm a little particular about the book I write in. It has to be a composition notebook, but it absolutely must be college ruled. They're a little hard to find, but when I find them at Staples, I snatch 5 or 6 up at a time.

Shibby makes me happy.
Art journals and books about art journals make me happy.
Suziblu makes me happy. Click on her name to see her blog. I've been following her for quite some time. She's a great inspiration .

Today was tiring, but good. I ran groups today and my supervisor sat in on all of them, which was cool. I did NOT get to attend my hair dye appointment, because my stylist's son had a program tonight, and she was only going to have an hour and a half to dye my entire head....I HAVE A LOT OF HAIR! So rather than be rushed and end up with black dye everywhere only to have it fall out in two weeks, I just rescheduled. Note to self: Brown roots with black hair looks way stupider than black roots with brown hair.

Had dinner with Rick and had a nice conversation. He is dealing with quite a bit right now, but he is thoughtful enough to communicate that to me and make me feel secure. He amazes me sometimes....he'll mention something that I told him months ago...not only is he a great listener, but he knows how I think, and tries, as much as he can, to be conscientious of it and communicate with me.

I had coffee with Big Rick yesterday and we decided that we need to buy two pairs of those huge joke sunglasses, put them on, set up the video camera, and sing 80's music at the top of our lungs in the car, and put it on Youtube. We are SO doing that. I just have to find the sunglasses.

I am going to take a shower and paint now. I have a new art journal! I have heavy structure gel!! I have new prismacolor pencils!!!! Well, I only have four of them, because a set of 124 Prismacolor pencils are like, 140 dollars. I will get some soon, maybe....but for right now, I've got a ton of acrylics and these great pastels (water soluble) that will do me just fine.

I <3 ART.


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