Saturday, October 31, 2009


Folks. This blog is old and crappy. Find my new blog at Thanks.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Yes, I realize today is not September 22nd, but aside from work and moving, I have been making little projects here and there. This is one of my favorites, very much inspired by Kara over at It took all of three minutes to make, if that. I just used some kraft paper from HL, notebook paper, white office supply dots, and a torn-up Anthro catalog. Just stamped a title, scribbled some random musings, and wham. Mini.

I also have done some art journaling...

I have different journals for different kinds of art. The top one is for small, quick pieces, the second one is for experimenting with new techniques, the third is for watercolor, the fourth for happy colors, and the big ledger on the bottom is for bigger work. I have a tendency to do all my "emo" stuff in the big one.
I have some embarassingly beautiful pictures from the NKOTB concert that I have been putting off doing anything with because I feel like I'm ruining them, but I figure I have them on disk, so I can just print out another set if I ever feel like it. So I'm going to make my little New Kids mini this weekend, and I'm also going to probably start on a mini for my sister for Christmas. I need to get started on my handmade projects for the holidays, so I'll probably be doing that too.
That's all for now - I have to go run group.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

OK. Hiatus over. I promise. No more.

I have no picture. I have no excuses. For the past ten months I have been enmeshed in a relationship that was completely exhausting in every way. Those of you with some personal insight into what's been going on with me probably know what I'm talking about - and I have to thank those of you who were there after my "awakening" with nothing to say but "hey, welcome back."

I will give you a brief summary of some things that have been developing - or undeveloping, as the case may be:

  • While my long-time friend, Big Rick is wonderful, little rick is..... I wish him the best, but I am tapped out - that is what happens when you involve yourself with a "taker" - and a convincing one at that. No hard feelings, just needed a breath of air, and now I have plenty of them.
  • Found out who my true friends are - those who helped me move out of my apartment instead of watching Sons of Anarchy. Those who stayed with me and took me out and said, "Dude what the hell are you doing? Don't you think you deserve something better?"
  • I did attend the New Kids on the Block concert, and it was by far, the funnest thing I have ever done. I had an obnoxiously great time, and it was worth waiting twenty years.
  • I moved out of my apartment (obviously) due to some unforseen events (no, I did not get evicted) and am moving into an apartment across the street from where I used to live, on the 10th of December. It has vaulted ceilings, which is awesome.
  • My hamster, Patty, who I have yet to post a picture of, I'm realizing, is alive and well and needs some pellet food.
  • I went to visit my friend Mary Gail at the lake, and had fun sewing, shooting guns, and eating. Really.
  • I am in love with Prismacolor Premier pencils and just bought a grip of them on ebay for like, 35 dollars. Score.
  • I am in love with the internet, my vintage Dymo label maker with the script wheel, and coming up with ways to decorate my apartment.
  • I need to sell my big chaise and chair (part of a sectional) and buy a different, smaller couch.
  • I dreamt of my grandmother the other night.
  • Oh, and I turned 32.

more later. and again. i'm sorry. i'm back. i'm lucid.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hello. My SD card has no Sense Of Humor.

So yesterday, I had downloaded some lovely inspirational photos from this blog onto the DS card that I typically use for work (because who wants to only do work at work). I took the card home so that I could transfer my new pictures over to my personal laptop. I did the usual, click, shift/click, cut, paste, done. When I got to work this morning, I inserted said SD card into my work card reader and

it. was. empty.

EMPTY. Every SINGLE document, my program manual, my chaperone program manual, countless letters, some clinical evaluations, GONE. So I call my boss and tell him I have to go home, because perhaps, by some digital miracle, I merely selected all the folders on the card and accidentally transfered everything to my laptop. I drive ALL THE WAY ACROSS TOWN, insert the card into my laptop, and there is everything, just as it should be. So I drive ALL THE WAY BACK ACROSS TOWN, with my own laptop in tow, just in case, I put the stupid card into my stupid work laptop, and it stupid works.


I have some nice pictures that I will include in my next post, which, if all is digitally right with the world, should show up here in the next hour.

I just thought I'd share my SD episode with you.

I am listening to the New Kids on the Block CD!! DORK!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

And by the way....

During my blogging absence, the Olympics happened, and I was quite happy to watch Michael Phelps do what he does. One night I made a really nice, big salad, and Rick came over. As we were eating, one of Michael's events came on, and we had the following conversation:

K: OOh, Michael Phelps!

R: What is the big deal with him?

K: He's a great athlete.

R: Well why don't you go make HIM a salad?!

He also added a comment asking my why I didn't call Michael Phelps and tell HIM to help me work on my golf swing.

Funny. :)


Yes, I am a crappy blogger. I don't know what to say besides I am very sorry, and I am Resolving To Do Better. If it makes any difference, I have been ridiculously occupied with the following things:

  • Pondering the dysfunction of my family of origin
  • Flying airplanes and getting a terrible sunburn at the air show this past weekend
  • Sleeping for fourteen hours straight after said sunburn/air show
  • Working
  • Making art
  • Thinking about crocheting
  • Watching football
  • Messing with my watercolors
  • Eating
  • Walking
  • Writing
  • Driving
  • Watching Project Runway

And that's what I've been doing. There are some possibilities for a move - the last house deal fell through when I found out that the realtor trying to rent me the house was all shady and didn't have a license. Anyhow, nothing is set in stone yet, so that's still up in the air.

Rick is fantastic and doing well.

My hamster, Patty, is likewise fantastic and doing well.

And I, dear ones, am fantastic and doing well.

More soon.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Shiny. New.

Again - a hiatus. I'm trying to get things situated around here....there's lots to do. The biggest thing going on is that I am MOVING.

I'm staying in Midland, but moving out of my tiny 600 square-foot apartment and into a 1700 square-foot house. I contacted the city for utilities today, and I'll do the electricity soon. I'm excited - the house is beautiful; only four years old, and gigantic. It's mostly tile, and needs absolutely no work. The kitchen is great, the doors are fantastic, and it has recessed lighting.


I'm trying to contact the realtor now, to see if I can get in there to take some pictures and get some dimensions.

I am sore today, because I played golf yesterday after not having picked up a club in almost two weeks. Rick and I went out and we crashed the Yak, which sucks, but it's not like we don't have five other planes to fly.

Let's new hamster's name is Patty. I'm at work right now, so I don't have any pictures handy, but I'll get some up soon.

Ok. I need to finish this stack of paperwork.

more soon!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm Missing.

I know, I know. I've been on hiatus - for no particular reason, really. I've been working, and otherwise spending time outside of my apartment, away from my computer. I uploaded all the Sims 2 games again, and that has been rather distracting as well.

I spent quite a bit of time this weekend cleaning my apartment. I finally got through all that mess in the bedroom, cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen, and organized my scrapbook stuff, and I'm much happier. It was really getting to me.

The black widow, thankfully, was not in my apartment, but she WAS inside the laundry area at Rick's apartment. He was coexisting quite peacefully with her until we saw her one day and she was HUGE and I said, "What if she has babies" and then he killed her.

I'll have more of an update later. Featured in said update will be:
  • my new hamster
  • pictures of my clean bedroom
  • what I love about the movie Nacho Libre
tata...and sorry for the absence.