Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Shiny. New.

Again - a hiatus. I'm trying to get things situated around here....there's lots to do. The biggest thing going on is that I am MOVING.

I'm staying in Midland, but moving out of my tiny 600 square-foot apartment and into a 1700 square-foot house. I contacted the city for utilities today, and I'll do the electricity soon. I'm excited - the house is beautiful; only four years old, and gigantic. It's mostly tile, and needs absolutely no work. The kitchen is great, the doors are fantastic, and it has recessed lighting.


I'm trying to contact the realtor now, to see if I can get in there to take some pictures and get some dimensions.

I am sore today, because I played golf yesterday after not having picked up a club in almost two weeks. Rick and I went out and we crashed the Yak, which sucks, but it's not like we don't have five other planes to fly.

Let's see....my new hamster's name is Patty. I'm at work right now, so I don't have any pictures handy, but I'll get some up soon.

Ok. I need to finish this stack of paperwork.

more soon!

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