Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm Missing.

I know, I know. I've been on hiatus - for no particular reason, really. I've been working, and otherwise spending time outside of my apartment, away from my computer. I uploaded all the Sims 2 games again, and that has been rather distracting as well.

I spent quite a bit of time this weekend cleaning my apartment. I finally got through all that mess in the bedroom, cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen, and organized my scrapbook stuff, and I'm much happier. It was really getting to me.

The black widow, thankfully, was not in my apartment, but she WAS inside the laundry area at Rick's apartment. He was coexisting quite peacefully with her until we saw her one day and she was HUGE and I said, "What if she has babies" and then he killed her.

I'll have more of an update later. Featured in said update will be:
  • my new hamster
  • pictures of my clean bedroom
  • what I love about the movie Nacho Libre
tata...and sorry for the absence.

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