Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rest In Peace.

This morning I woke up from a dead sleep. It wasn't a nightmare, and I wasn't startled or scared, I just peacefully woke up, at 5:28am. My first thought after I looked at my phone was, "Why am I awake?", and then I thought to myself, "I need to go check on Shibby." She wasn't moving. I knew last night that she was probably going to pass sometime in the night, so before bed, I held her and touched her to my cheek, and she layed there very quietly, looking back at me. When I checked on her this morning after I woke up, she was still warm. She wasn't moving, but her eyes were barely open and moving slightly. I picked her up and she wasn't stiff at all. I held her, and finally, I closed her little eyes for her and they stayed closed.

I know I'm 31, and I know it's probably very silly for me to be sad about a hamster, but I really, really enjoyed her. She was funny and, if you can believe it, excellent company. I miss her, and I'm glad she's at peace, and tumor-free.

Shibby: if by any chance you are in a place where you not only have internet access, but have also been granted with the ability to read, I just wanted to say that I love you.....and thank you for being such a good friend. I'll never, ever forget you.


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