Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I don't care for reality television. I don't like American Idol or Survivor...and I have an especially
large amount of disdain for the VH1 shows, like I Love New York, or Rock of Love, or Flavor of Love, or ...well....any of them.

So why do I love Miss Rap Supreme? I don't know. Maybe I can appreciate it a little bit more because it's not a bunch of skanks in a house competing for a man. I suppose I'm being a bit of a hypocrite, because I like Top Chef - maybe I like occupationally geared reality shows. Yes, that's it.

I'm feeling a skoach off today - my sleep cycle has been off, and I'm getting tired during the day. I took a two hour nap today, and I probably need to go to bed by midnight tonight. Tomorrow is my last day of work for the week, thank goodness, and I have the topic for group already planned out, so hopefully it will be low-stress. It was hot and windy today too, which always tends to affect my allergies and general well-being.

I am working on several crafty projects that I will share with you soon - I'm still in the market for a new camera, so hopefully I will have one by Monday or Tuesday.

I cleaned out my closet today. Finally.

Night night!!

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