Monday, April 21, 2008

Shibby Says Hello

This is a very bad picture of my hamster, Shibby. See why I need a new camera? What is that purple haze thing on there? That is totally annoying!

I am exhausted right now. I got a lot done at work, and had a good meeting with my boss. I came home and then Rick and I went to fly the Yak over at the stadium. Hung out with his friend Mark for a little bit, and then we ate and I came home. I'm totally sleepy even though I took a little nap after work.

I've been wanting to crochet a lot lately - the last thing I made was that little gnome doll and a pink swatch I practiced the shell stitch on. I think tomorrow I'm going to sew two new needle rolls, and crochet two pillows that I want to give as gifts.

Ok ok ok. Totally boring entry. I'm sorry. I need sleep. Night night!!!

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