Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I love this photo...

*°Coup de foudre°*
Originally uploaded by Cristina&David
...and I don't know why.

Aside from the steel pin embedded two-thirds of an inch into the bottom of my foot, today was rather pleasant. I finished my progress reports at work and even started working on the program manual again, which I have been putting off for weeks. After I get that done, I should be able to RE-start scoring MMPI-2's, which I have put off for even longer than the manual. I sat in line for thirty minutes at Jack in the Box, to get Rick and his friend Roger those new burgers with the onion rings and bacon and pork loins or whatever the hell they have in them. Finished out work, headed to Target and bought the following items:

- a new golf bag
- toilet paper
- a toothbrush
- toothpaste

I talked with Rick after work for awhile, and then I CLEANED THE APARTMENT and DID LAUNDRY and SCRUBBED THE BATHTUB and THREW THE TRASH and other sundry domestic tasks. Every dish in my house is clean.

I am feeling rather creative, and I would like to go to bed by midnight, so I'm going to go take advantage and use up the mojo I've got at the moment.


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